Sky News Arabia에서 EVS 토탈뉴스 솔루션으로 24시간 뉴스방송 중 입니다.

Case Study


Sky News Arabia에서 EVS 토탈뉴스 솔루션으로 24시간 뉴스방송 중 입니다.

ntc 0 11,198 2015.10.21 16:48




Sky News Arabia (SNA), the sister channel of Sky News in the Middle East and North Africa, was officially launched on 6 May 2012.
The 24-hour service goes out in both SD and HD from a state-ofthe-art production facility in Abu Dhabi.
The channel is a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi Media Investment Corporation and BSkyBand is available on multiple viewing platforms, including tablets and smartphones.

The channel is based in Abu Dhabi's twofour54 media zone and has a network of bureaux spanning across the MEN Aregion, along with offices in London and Washington, DC.

It also shares access to Sky News' wider international bureaux network





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