Big ideas. Smart solutions


Big ideas. Smart solutions

ntc 0 12,521 2015.10.22 13:19

Big ideas. Smart solutions


Broadcasting has changed. Today, digital video production must be more agile, more efficient and more creative to monetise content in new ways. It must also deliver enriched content to the range of devices – TVs, laptops, tablets and smart phones - consumers use every day. We deliver practical innovations to help broadcasters deliver live content and realise more revenue.

More than 8000 operators demand it

They use our products every day. Our best-of-breed servers are the backbone of a fully integrated production workflow - from content capture to post-production to archive - with tools that support all production processes. Our integrated, highly reliable and efficient systems have created trusted partners the world over.

Leaders in sports, news, entertainment and media are not only confident in our solutions but in the commitment we deliver - in our products, our people, and our customer service. We take it personally.

Welcome to EVS.



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  • 전체 게시물 654 개
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  • 전체 회원수 2 명